Eco-friendly Cleaning Products You Can Make at Home

Are you conscious of the products you’re buying and using? We’re not just talking about takeaway coffee cups and plastic bottles, but the actual products themselves – and what goes into making them. So, we know what goes into coffee – and that bottled water that you buy. But what about the things we make use of almost as often: cleaning products?

If you’d like to make more of an effort to be a little ‘greener’ and save yourself some money in the process, we’re sharing with you some recipes for your own, eco-friendly cleaning products. You’ll have probably seen our recent cleaning-inspired posts, including these hacks and these laundry tips. 

So, this post marks a hat-trick of handy advice. Read on…

Make use of on-hand ingredients and you’ll find you’ll save a packet! Plus, there will be no packaging to discard and no harmful ingredients.

Try this Homemade Spray Cleaner

In a bottle, mix equal parts white vinegar and water and use it to clean everything from your sink to your oven. Grab a simple washcloth or scourer and get cleaning!

Or how about this lavender-scented multipurpose cleaner?

Not sure you fancy the smell of vinegar wafting around your kitchen? No problem. You might use lavender in the bathroom, so why not make use of it in the kitchen as well?

This DIY cleaner also uses vinegar, but you can be sure that the lemon and lavender (also added to the blend) will more than mask its fragrance.

You’ll need some white vinegar, some organic lemon peels, lavender essential oil*, a Kilner jar and a glass spray bottle. And here’s what to do:

  • Start by adding your lemon peels to the glass jar until it is about three quarters full
  • Now, pour the vinegar over the peels until the jar is almost full
  • Screwing the lid on the jar, place it in a cupboard or a dark room for a few weeks
  • Once it’s ready to go (and three weeks have passed!), strain the peels through a mesh strainer, add the lemon vinegar back to jar and add around 25-30 drops of lavender essential oil to the mix
  • Grab your glass spray bottle at this stage and add one part lemon lavender vinegar to two parts filtered water. You can store the remaining vinegar in the fridge, in case you want to come back to it in the future.
  • Now, screw on the lid of your spray bottle and get spritzing!

*Make sure you look for therapeutic grade essential oils, to ensure you’re not putting your kitchen surfaces at risk. Try a patch test on a less frequently-used area of your kitchen to be sure.

And Don’t Forget to Clean Your Glass…

Windows and appliances with glass elements will benefit from a polish with a homemade glass cleaner made from 200ml of water, around one and a half tablespoons of vinegar, and eight to 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Try it for yourself!

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Until next time…

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