Boost Your Immune System with These Kitchen Favourites

Autumn’s here – and with it can come an onslaught of illnesses. We don’t mean to be negative, but coughs and colds seem to go hand in hand with the new season, don’t they? So, how can you boost your immune system – the natural way?

We say the answer to a healthier, happier you could be closer than you think: in your kitchen cupboards and fridge. So give them both a good raid and see if you can improve your health – and your wellbeing – without setting foot in the doctor’s. Read on for our favourite, immune-boosting kitchen staples…

Citrus Fruits

Everyone knows the benefits of vitamin C if you have a cold. Building up your immune system, it’s believed to increase the body’s production of white blood cells, too. Beneficial for fighting infection, citrus fruits like grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines and clementines are ideal additions to your diet. Why not add a spritz to every meal, or whip up some fresh juice with some oranges? You’ll be glad you did.

Sunflower Seeds

So, they may be a bit bland, but if you think up new and exciting ways to add sunflower seeds to your cooking or baking, your immune system will thank you for it. Packed with nutrients, like magnesium and phosphorous, sunflower seeds are also high in vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant, the latter will regulate and maintain the function of the immune system for optimum health. Give them a go!


Popeye’s favourite, spinach is a great, immune-boosting ingredient to add to your diet. Rich in vitamin C, it’s brimming with antioxidants and beta carotene. The latter can increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems, so pack it in your salad and enjoy the results it brings.


Assisting when it comes to decreasing inflammation, ginger may help ease the symptoms of a sore throat. It’s also good for nausea; just add a little to a lemon and honey tea and wait as your symptoms dissipate.


Here’s an easy one to add to your diet…yoghurt! Keep an eye out for ones which feature ‘live and active cultures’. Greek yoghurt is a good choice, as it’ll help stimulate your immune system to fight diseases and boost your immune system. You could even add some ginger, too, for a welcome kick in the morning.


A handful of almonds can also be sprinkled over your morning yoghurt, since they’ll offer additional immune-boosting benefits for those looking to improve their health in autumn and winter. A fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin E is absolutely key to a healthy immune system – and the great news is that almonds are packed with it. Try 40 or so, whole, shelled almonds daily and you’ll enjoy 100 per cent of your recommended daily amount of the vitamin.

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